Samskruti International School

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study, playing and explore


 “We call a child’s mind ‘small’ simply by habit; perhaps it is larger than ours is, for it can take in almost anything without effort.” -Christopher Morley

Pre-school is your child’s first step into the formal education system. Your child’s first impression about life starts here. Though a child undergoes education through many years, it’s these early years that shape his perspective. It’s the learning in this nascent stage that’s forms a critical part of your child’s thought process.

Our knowledge system “SPICE” has been framed taking into consideration these factors. Designed with utmost care and judiciousness this system forms a perfect incubator for a child’s mind to develop and grow.  

The system embodies sociological, psychological as well as physiological aspects for complete development. SPICE essentially comprises five major domains:

  • Social – Refers mostly to the ability to form attachments, play with others, co-operation and sharing, and being able to create lasting relationships with others.
  • Physical – Development of Fine (small) and Gross (large) Motor Skills.
  • Intellectual – The process of making sense of the world around them.
  • Creative – The development of special abilities creating talents. Music, Art, Writing, Reading, and Singing are all ways for creative development to take place.
  • Emotional – Development of self-awareness, self-confidence, and coping with feelings as well as understanding them.
why choose us ?

Making a difference, one child at a time

Samskruti International School Is Dedicated To Making A Difference In The Lives Of Children, One At A Time. Our School Provides A Comprehensive Education With A Focus On Developing The Whole Child.

knowing alphabet
knowing Number
build an attitude

Early development is fundamental to the growth of your child

At Samskruti International School, We Believe That Early Development Is Fundamental To The Growth Of Your Child. We Provide A Comprehensive Learning Experience To Ensure Their Success.

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